Leadzai and Uberall Announce a Strategic Partnership to Enhance AI-Powered Pay Per Lead Services

João de Sousa Aroso
May 13, 2024
 min read

Leadzai, a pioneer in AI-driven lead generation solutions, and Uberall, a leader in location marketing technology services are delighted to announce a strategic partnership. This collaboration is set to revolutionize Leadzai’s Pay per Lead solutions by integrating Uberall’s comprehensive listing management services.

Uberall's capabilities will be fully embedded within Leadzai's AI-powered framework, enhancing the overall effectiveness and reach of Leadzai's solutions.

The agreement between Leadzai and Uberall extends beyond technology integration. Both companies have committed to a joint go-to-market (GTM) strategy. This strategy is designed to leverage the strengths of both partners to offer a cohesive solution that bridges lead generation with digital marketing services like Listings, provided by Uberall.

"We are excited to partner with Uberall to bring a more robust and comprehensive solution to the market," said João Aroso, CEO of Leadzai. "This partnership will allow us to blend our advanced AI capabilities with Uberall’s extensive suite of digital marketing services, creating a superior tool for businesses to engage with customers and generate valuable leads."

Anthony Foy, CEO of Uberall, also commented, "Our collaboration with Leadzai represents a significant step forward in creating integrated solutions that serve the evolving needs of digital marketers. By combining our strengths, we are setting a new standard for what businesses can achieve in digital customer engagement."

The partnership is a testament to the commitment of both Leadzai and Uberall to drive innovation and provide enhanced solutions to the market.

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