7 tips to get more from your ads this holiday season

Rita Amaral
October 18, 2023
3 min read
 min read

It is official: the holiday season has started. This is the time to decorate your house, buy gifts, participate in festive dinner parties and celebrate with friends and family.

It is also the most exciting time for businesses, as there are sales spikes in multiple industries like accessories, clothing, cosmetics, education, automotive and most eCommerce industries. This brings excellent results for online ads with fantastic conversion rates because people are more open to buying things.

To improve the results of your online ads, you must have a good ads strategy to capitalise on users’ attention, turning it into conversions. Here are 7 things to consider for your online ads this holiday season:

1 — Use creative ad copy

Before starting your holiday campaign, review your ad copy. It will take some time, but it will be worth it. A good ad copy that includes seasonal messaging with a clear offer will bring you better results.

Also, try a creative perspective. You can get more emotional, use themes related to family, friends, memories, food and happiness. A creative ad copy will make you stand out from your competition and get noticed by users.

Don’t forget that other businesses invest as much as you, so being different and inclusive can be a winning strategy.

2 — Use add extensions

In your Google and Bing ads, you can use ad extensions to make your ads provide more helpful information. As a result, the user will get more precise details about what they are looking for. We recommend using sitelinks extensions and call extensions for a faster way to interact with a potential user.

In the advertio app, you can create and customise a variety of extensions, like Call extensions, Callout extensions, Sitelink extensions, Location extensions and Snippet extensions.

3 — Have a discount offer

What does everyone love during the holiday season? A discount, of course. Include a clear offer that mentions a “% discount”, for example, in your ads.

When choosing an offer, look at your records and see which products sell best. Also, check your industry competitors to get an idea of what they are advertising.

4 — Create a sense of urgency

Christmas Shopping is always stressful because there is a deadline — all presents should be bought by the 24th of December. This sense of urgency makes people not want to waste too much time. Plus, they can buy more.

You can also create that sense of urgency in your ads by adding a time-sensitive offer. Replicate that offer in your newsletters, website, social campaigns and landing pages.

The main goal is to show an offer and help users get their holiday shopping done if they act right now and take advantage of it.

5 — Add festive keywords

Keywords are essential to your ads, especially in the holiday season. Therefore, capitalising on seasonal searches and trends specific to this month is very important.

Check Google Trends or keyword research tools and look for one that will give you more relevant traffic.

A quick way to assemble a test campaign is to duplicate your best campaigns and add “+christmas”. Test this to see the results and adapt accordingly.

6 — Secure enough budget

The last tip is from Google itself. Before starting with ads, check your account and set everything in order. Defining the correct budget and goals allows you to optimise your campaigns and increases the chances of reaching more potential customers.

Look at your performance history, find the traffic peaks and raise the budget caps to capitalise on the expected increased demand.

Also, check your wallet configurations. If these aren’t correctly defined, your campaigns may not run, making you lose precious time reaching customers and increasing sales.

7 — Check your campaigns regularly

Last but not least, the holiday season feels like a sprint, so it is vital to use all the right tools to produce the desired results.

Set up campaigns early and give them a few days to see the first positive results. Check how your campaigns are performing midweek and on weekends, updating them accordingly.

Don’t make too many changes, however. Campaigns take some time to reach peak performance, and incremental changes may make the most significant difference.

Happy Online Ads!

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